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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What is a Democracy?

Not the United States of America, that's for sure!

Our nation was founded under a guiding document we call the Declaration of Independence. Within that document, our Forefathers laid out the basic human principles that would later guide the drafting of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Combined with the Federalist Papers, our entire nation is defined by words written on paper--laws if you will.

We are a nation of law. Free citizens granted their natural rights by God oversee the Constitution, which grants government its limited powers. All laws following from the constitution are to be equally applied, regardless of stature.

A democracy is, by definition, mob rule. A system where the majority holds a tyranny over the minority is a system that would not allow a single juror's doubt to hang an entire jury. Ours is not a democracy. We are a Constitutional Republic. We have democratically elected representatives who then try to advocate for their constituents by manipulating and changing the established laws, but we do not have a democracy.

"Our constitution explicitly states the individual's right to life, property, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Enumerated, too, are freedoms that follow from individual rights---such as, for example, the freedom to peaceably assemble, the freedom to petition the government to redress wrongs, the freedom to keep and bear arms, and so forth. If you believe that man must live for others, government becomes your ruler. There is no alternative."

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