Grand County Uncensored Headline Animator

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Grand Lake Avoiding 'Third-World' Solution With $20,000 Drop In Bucket

Grand Lake's Contribution

Poor Elmer Lanzi. When you say something like this, you're bound to take some heat for it

“Putting a kindergartner on a bus for a 30-minute bus ride — It's immoral,” Lanzi said. “It's a Third World solution.”(From SHDN)

Apparently, we've come a long way since the 60's. I was under the impression that the United States was a first-world power back then, but Grand Lake Trustee Elmer Lanzi put those impressions to rest.

My parents went to school in the 60's, and according to them, walked uphill both ways in blinding sleet just to get to school every day. The warm comfort of a bus or even a drafty horse-drawn carriage would have seemed like a first-world luxury. Today, riding a bus must be equivalent to 20 lashings. 

But I digress... The Trustees have come to the rescue with $20,000 in unused funds--a full two percent of what East Grand Needs next year--in order to save the day. Heck, combine that money with the $75,000 in laundered funds from Winter Park, find another $20,000 laying around and you can almost pay to have a principal in your school next year (They'll have to take a $5000 pay cut)!

Citizens of Grand County, these are YOUR elected officials. You may want to pay attention come November. 

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