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Friday, February 25, 2011

No More Collective Bargaining

Boo Freaking Hoo...


  1. I think it is interesting how unions like the NEA, UAW and the SEIU will use words to twist something so obviously evil and corrupt into something benign. Collective bargaining is viewed by many as " You don't get the job unless you join the Union and pay the dues, for your own good." It doesn't matter if you don't like their political views, they want YOUR money. OR " You want the job, we get our cut.", or if you want a mob version . "You can do the job, but we get our payoff. The union had a good purpose at one time, but unions are now leaches and dues are just legalized payoffs used to fuel political corruption and buy votes.

  2. Mr. Reeter, you won't find disagreement from me on those points. The corruption is really the rot that pervades every aspect of the political sphere.


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