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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

21st Century Education is Expensive, But How Much Remains Mystery

Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper (I'll untwist my tongue as I continue to write) is all over the news because he intends to cut $375 million dollars from education funding for the next fiscal year. Being the good collectivist Demublican he is, the Huffington Post questions his loyalty to his socialist* base. How is it possible to take from productive members of society and give to those who are not so productive if you don't intend to raise taxes?

The President of the socialist Colorado Education Association is flabbergasted by this development and gives this rather vacuous statement about education and money:

"This is plain wrong when you consider that we must provide our students with a 21st century education using fewer resources."

I don't know about you, but I would like to know what exactly is a 21st century education? Beyond that, how much does said education cost these days? I contacted the socialist organization directly with those questions to finally lay to rest those million (billion?) dollar questions once and for all with the following message:


President Ingle was quoted in the Huffington Post recently as saying, "This is plain wrong when you consider that we must provide our students with a 21st century education using fewer resources." (

What is a 21st century education, and how much does it cost?

Reggie Paulk

And here's their answer...

*"Prison is a Socialist's Paradise, where equality prevails,everything is 
supplied and competition is eliminated." [ElbertHubbard, "The Note Book," 1927]


  1. The more money we spent/waste on the education system the lower ranking we receive on a worldwide scale. What the liberals can't understand, the answer to a failed government program isn't always more money. And teachers, bless them for the job they do. But the PARA retirement, work 9 months a year, retire with 20 in, and have a guaranteed pension for life no matter what. Get rid of PARA and let them do a 6 percent match into a 401K like the rest of the majority of workers.

  2. All of that will be coming into the conversation in the coming months, I'm afraid.


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