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Monday, February 21, 2011

Chairsatan Bernanke...

...You Stupid Bastard.

"You're going to fail Bernanke.  You're failing right now.  You've destroyed one nation's government and this evening, as I write this, a second is falling apart.  The madman behind the second, Qaddafi, has apparently ordered his military to strafe civilians, murdering hundreds.

But behind it all, your policies and those of your cronies, believing in an indefinite Ponzi Scheme of exponential debt without bound, are responsible for every bit of what's happening today worldwide - and what is to come tomorrow.

The only way you can stop it is to admit you were wrong, pull liquidity and allow the insolvent institutions to collapse.  And collapse they will - all of them.  I'm convinced you know that too.  And I'm also convinced that there's three words you will never utter so long as you infest Washington DC: I ****ed up.
So here we sit as Americans, with no solution.  There is nobody in Congress or The Administration that has the balls to stop you, and you're too much of a douche to admit you blew it and do what should have been done three years ago. 

As a result, all we have left is to be prepared for what's to come.
It's not going to be pretty, and I hope Americans are ready for it.

Congratulations Ben Bernnake.  Your place in history is secure, and I'm sure Beelzebub thanks you daily for your cooperation. Some day I'm quite sure you'll meet him face-to-face."(Market Ticker)

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