Grand County Uncensored Headline Animator

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Felicia Muftic is Dangerous

Update: Her response to this blog entry sure looks like an admission to me:

Click To Enlarge

...To individual free thinkers.

The Internet is a wonderful thing. It allows me to create a blog in the evening and be on even footing with the newspaper in the morning. 

The SkyHi Daily News is a regional newspaper covering Grand County, Colorado. One of their regular columnists, Felicia Muftic, is a woman whose views I consider to be one of the most insidious and dangerous cancers our great nation faces. She bills herself as a staunch Democrat (Demublican*), but she is actually a collectivist.

With Egypt largely in the news, Ms. Muftic has been waxing poetic about the great wonder of liberty unfolding before our very eyes, with tears actually welling up in her own. Her latest column regarding Egypt's unfolding revolution discusses her own fleeting interactions with authoritarian regimes during the Cold War. She mentions her Yugoslavian husband's nightmares about his own experiences, but this passage made me laugh:

"We in America don't know what it is like to have to guard every word we say or fear that some deviation from political correctness overheard by an informant might result in a midnight knock at the door. We have never had to retreat into a shell where the only outlet for safe personal expression is to cheer a sports team. As Dr. Mike said, it is enough to make you paranoid. It is a suffocating blanket that throws your subconscious into a low grade depression spiked by adrenaline rushes of fear." Muftic Column

You may consider this blog a personal affront to that movement. I take pride in exercising my First Amendment right, and you can bet I'll be back to confront you on other issues. 

(*Demublican/Republicrat "Another obvious example is the false left/right political system. While there are as many political views as there are people, most tend to affiliate themselves with one of two; Republican or Democrat. Even if you were to believe that the two major parties are honestly opposed, you have still allowed the establishment to narrow your choices down to two. Add the fact that both major parties actually support nearly the same exact policies and goals, and now your choices have been narrowed to one. Millions of people jump on this one bandwagon every four years, thinking that they are cooperating voluntarily, when they have instead been centralized, and collectivized.") Awesome Post


  1. Felicia has never said, nor will she ever say, anything close to the rantings and utter hatred spewed by William Hamilton.

    I may not agree with her, and actually find her writing somewhat tedious, but at least she is not ridiculous like Bill.

  2. Don't worry... He's a Republicrat, so he'll be in the spotlight too.

  3. I can honestly say Felicia has never written anything I agree with, if she said it was snowing I'd have to go outside and look. You are correct in saying she is an ardent supporter of collectivism and most of her views fly in the face of the American dream.


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