Grand County Uncensored Headline Animator

Monday, February 21, 2011

What Does The Middle East Have To Do With Grand County?

Or the United States, for that matter? Take a look at the charts below. Crude oil and silver are exploding in price as a direct consequence of the games the Federal Reserve and other central banks are playing to try to cover up the crimes they've been committing.

These policies are causing the prices of things people need for survival to skyrocket in price, literally threatening starvation in many places across the globe. And causing massive social unrest in the Middle East currently. 

In Grand County, those of you in places of leadership better batten down the hatches... These price squeezes are here--now. Pay attention because the people in America are going to become restive as the prices of things they need for daily survival (food, energy) continue to ratchet up.

From the Market Ticker

"What you're seeing now is exactly what I expected to happen if we took this path.  It is why I counseled against this decision back in 2007, wrote letters to Congress, ran petitions and spoke vociferously against TARP, the mark-to-market fantasy games and other bailouts.

It is not simply because we have a right to the Rule of Law in this country, although we do, and that ought to be sufficient justification standing alone.

It is because the mathematics of what was being attempted could not succeed.

I hope you're ready, because the consequences are coming and they are emergent.

Right here, right now, today." (Market Ticker)

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