Because I like to be involved, I signed up for e-mail updates from Senator Bennet a couple of years ago. Never did I realize what a relentless spammer the Senator would become--even after opting out of his mindless drivel.
Unfortunately, the Senator was allowed another six years at bat by the voters of Colorado during the 2010 elections, so I'm stuck with his spam until 2017 at the earliest--or until I change my e-mail address.
It's a shame the 17th Amendment was ratified--fundamentally altering the character of the U.S. Senate away from what the Framers had intended.
Here's a video from a man who spoke his truth and put his life on the line in order to live it:
Dr. King is the kind of human being we all need in positions of leadership throughout our nation. Unfortunately, he was unique. Our nation lacks human beings of his moral character willing to subject themselves to the ballot box.
Below is a man who has not defined his personal truth, and thus drifts aimlessly through life--spewing untold volumes of excrement:
Senator Bennett is in a place where he could make a difference--his basic humanity is not.
As Bennett stated he shuttered to think what the financial markets will react if they don't pass this increase in the debt limit. Well unlike him, I predicted correctly how they did react. And will continue to react, since our Congressmen and Senators are incapable of making the real hard decisions, and would rather this country go on a decade long recession, trying to tweek it here and there for there own political gains.