In a story titled Undocumented Student Writes The President, Channel 7 describes how an illegal alien who just graduated high school has written President Obama asking for an exception:
"I'm the first to graduate from my family but being an undocumented student, I'm not able to get grants and scholarships because they're very limited and competitive," said Vasquez. "We don't get state or financial aid at all, because we don't qualify for it."
No state or financial aid at all, eh? Well, you just got a taxpayer-funded education for free, at a cost of over $6,000 dollars per year. And now you want more free money provided by legitimate taxpayers?
And his reason for writing the president? "The immigration system is broken. We have no access to it. It takes years to get through the system -- even if you get through it," said Vasquez."
The immigration system is indeed broken. If I want to emigrate to any nation on earth, there is a process. That process can take months or even years. There is almost no country on earth that will allow you to enter illegally, obtain a drivers license, buy property or attend their public schools. There is almost no country on earth that will allow you to commit multiple felonies without deportation.
Congratulations on your graduation Mr. Vasquez, now its time to start following the law.
I'm not an apologist. A nation without strong borders is not a nation. Let's start calling them what they are: Illegal invaders. There is a legal process required to become a citizen of any nation on earth--it's time our leadership begin enforcing ours.
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