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Sunday, April 3, 2011

Teach A Man To Fish | Grand County Community Garden

No special districts; no mill levies; no tax increases; no wasteful spending. Finally, a community project I can get behind!

The Grand County Community Garden (GCCG) project was recently featured in the SkyHi News. I rarely agree with the way messages in the paper come across, but the GCCG embodies many of the values that help make communities stronger.

The GCCG website describes itself as, "...a part of Grand County's Colorado State University Extension office."(GCCG Website) It's an organization with education as its main focus. Teaching people how to grow their own food in the environment they inhabit is about as basic a necessity as you can provide.

 This video shows what GCCB is all about:

This spring, the project will be giving free classes on three dates: April 9th, 16th and May 14th. They will be held in both Fraser and Granby. I know I will be attending at least one.(Link)

Currently, there are community gardens in Kremmling, Hot Sulphur and Granby. Fraser is now on the list to participate in this effort, and I can only say that I am happy to see this kind of resource in our community. Having individual control over food supply is one of the most important elements of a free people, and this effort is a step in the right direction.

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