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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Birth Certificate Issue Just Won't Die

I discussed President Obama's birth certificate issue a few days ago in a post titled, Obama's Birth Certificate | Ad Hominem Attacks. Now there's a new story about a Hawaii State Senator who raises a few questions of his own.

In a story from World Net Daily:

"The lone Republican in the Hawaii State Senate told a radio interviewer today he believes "the real issue" stopping Barack Obama from releasing his long-form birth certificate is something the president has to hide, perhaps even the name of his actual birth father.

Hawaii State Sen. Sam Slom further told the host of"Aaron Klein Investigative Radio"on WABC 770 AM in New York City that so long as Obama refuses to be transparent about his past, questions about the president's birth remain "...a legitimate issue."

Besides Obama's actual birth documentation, the president has refused to release his Punahou school records, Occidental College records, Columbia University records, Columbia thesis, Harvard Law School records, Harvard Law Review articles, scholarly articles from the University of Chicago, passport, medical records, files from his years as an Illinois state senator, Illinois State Bar Association records, baptism records and his adoption records."

Why the secrecy? What is so damning to a sitting president that he would see fit to spend millions of dollars keeping the above information secret? 


  1. Now that it's been released - what do you have to say? Is the issue over, or will there be more twists and turns to come?

    Grand County

  2. @Anonymous... Unfortunately, the release has only brought more questions:


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