Grand County Uncensored Headline Animator

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

$81,442 Dollars A Day | Does Grand County Spend Too Much?

According to the 2011 budget, Grand County expects to spend $29,726,406 during the 2011 fiscal year.

That's a lot of money but without perspective, it's difficult to wrap my mind around. Smaller numbers are much easier to work with, so let's look at the budget compared to things we all understand:

1) Grand County has budgeted to spend $81,442 every single day of the 2011 fiscal year.

"Our county is consuming $56 every minute 7/365"

2) Our county needs to collect $6.78 a day, every day of the year from each of its 12,000 citizens. That's $47.46 a week; $189.84 per month per person!

3) Grand County needs to extract $2,477 out of each of its 12,000 citizens for the 2011 fiscal year. Park County, in contrast, will take $780 from each of its 16,762 citizens in 2011.

4) Our county government will consume $3393 every hour and $56.55 every minute of the 2011 budget year, day and night.

5) If you earn $10 dollars an hour over the average 40-hour work week, you'll bring home $400 a week before taxes. Over that same five day period, Grand County will suck $407,210 out of the economy in the form of property and sales taxes and fees.

6) A person earning $10 an hour will bring home $20,800, before taxes, over the average 2080 hour work year. Because the county extracts taxes 24 hours a day, including weekends and holidays, it has 1429 times the earning power of that worker.

7) Grand County consumes the equivalent of the entire gross wages of 1429 workers earning $10 per hour.

8) If the county were an employee working a five day work week, it would make $14,291 an hour.

Do you think Grand County spends too much?

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