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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Obama's Birth Certificate | Ad Hominem Attacks

ad ho·mi·nem/ˈad ˈhämənəm/Adverb
1. (of an argument or reaction) Arising from or appealing to the emotions and not reason or logic.
2. Attacking an opponent's motives or character rather than the policy or position they maintain.

 No matter where you stand on the issue of President Obama's birth certificate, the reactions of people in a position to put the matter to rest are concerning.

Donald Trump has been making the rounds calling into question the President's birth status. Many people think he's doing it as a publicity stunt to promote his television show. Publicity is publicity, right? That may be true, but what concerns me is how people are reacting to the issue.

From an article in the Hawaii News, Hawaii Governor Neil Abercrombie has this to say about the certificate issue:
"Let's be serious. It is simply reprehensible to have this kind of conversation. Insulting someone's mother and father speaks about the person who is doing it," Abercrombie said.

Abercrombie said Trump is questioning Mr. Obama's birth place because Trump has a political agenda. Abercrombie questioned Trump's credibility and said Trump has ruined lives by spending investors' money on failed real estate ventures.
"It is really difficult to accept inquiries from a serial bankrupt like Donald Trump," Abercrombie said."(Hawaii News Now)
Let's be clear; questioning the President's birth status is a serious accusation. Even so, the Governor's response raises more questions than it answers. 
One of the main reasons for attacking a person's character is because their argument is sound. 

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