Grand County Uncensored Headline Animator

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Remember Way Back In November...

When I said you'd be paying a dollar more per gallon of gas by February?

I was discussing our government and Bernanke's continued monetary insanity in the form of 'Quantitative Easing.' Here's a snippet of what I said then:

"More dollars in circulation — especially 600 billion more — causes their value to decline relative to goods and services. This means you'll get to pay more, as much as a dollar more per gallon of gasoline, in a few short months."(SHDN Letter to the Editor November 12, 2010)

I was pretty much spot-on with that prediction--not because I have a crystal ball, but because I understand how the goons in New York and Washington, D.C. operate, and I know where to look for the right information.

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