Grand County Uncensored Headline Animator

Friday, April 15, 2011

Grand Elk Owners Association Doing Great | Homeowners Not So Much

You know things are worse than they seem when you start seeing advertorials in the newspaper. A case in point; The Grand Elk Home Owners Association (HOA) placed a half page ad on page two of the April 15 edition of the SkyHi Daily News that reads:

"Perceptions vs. Reality

Grand Elk has risen from the ashes of foreclosure"

The piece goes on to say the Grand Elk development is daisies and sunshine since the original developers were foreclosed upon.

With a majority of the 684 lots sitting empty with unused utility lines and weathered 'For Sale' signs, I'm sure this piece about the financial health of the HOA will bring prospective buyers in droves. A check of reveals many of the existing sale properties have been listed for nearly two years.

It's reassuring to know the Grand Elk HOA has the money to plow and repair its empty roads for the few homes that are actually occupied. We wouldn't want the poor souls who bought a home from the original developer, and are watching their property values plummet, getting stuck in their driveway. I wonder if they got compensated after the development's foreclosure?

And the Grand Elk Golf Course and Clubhouse? Not a problem! The, "Owners of the Golf course and Clubhouse are working with the owners to continue operation..."(SHDN Friday April 15, Page 2).

Did you get that? The owners are working with the owners, which must mean everything is hunky dory. We'll just ignore the story in the paper that recently outlined to anyone with a third grade education just how much trouble it's really in.

Digging a little deeper, I happened upon the Association Newsletter. Remember the snowplowing that makes up the bulk of operational expenses? Well, the Association was able to get the Town of Granby to reimburse them for their 2011 expenses. That helps!

Of course, the development still has its challenges--like 30 lots currently in receivership with no plans for action at the moment. The Association is also looking into reducing excessive property assessments and legal options available due to the ongoing golf course and clubhouse problem--not indicative of a "thriving, triumphant" community by any means.

So, for anyone looking for a house that's priced a good 50-60 percent rich of where it'll be in a couple of years; surrounded by properties in various states of default and foreclosure; with the second highest taxes in the county, make Grand Elk your destination!

Perception is Reality

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