Grand County Uncensored Headline Animator

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Grand Foundation | What's It Really Up To?

On its surface, The Grand Foundation looks to be a good member of the community. According to it's website, they've given more than 1.7 million dollars to local non-profits over the last 14 years. Here's part of their description:

"The Grand Foundation seeks to improve the quality of life in Grand County by proactively addressing current and future needs in the areas of Health & Human Services, Arts & Culture, Education, Amateur Sports and Environment."(Grand Foundation)

Ron Nelson, who's chairman of the board, has been championing a one percent sales tax increase to help bail out the school district. This flies in the face of the above statement, and makes me wonder what the true intent of this organization really is. Sales taxes adversely affect low income households. If you'd like to know just how much, I analyze it in a separate post.

Actions speak louder than words and Mr. Nelson is heading a fund that plans to give money to the school district as part of a special-interest bailout, with the express purpose being to raise county sales taxes. Don't believe me? Just read my post on special interests.

From their mission statement:

"The mission of the East Grand Education Foundation Fund is to provide alternative funding for educational opportunities for students enrolled in the East Grand School District.
The criteria for this fund are as follows:
a. is new and/or innovative;(emphasis added)
b. enhances an existing educational project/program;
. improves core curriculum;
d. fosters relationships between the community and students/school."(
Grand Foundation)

The Foundation plans to give $50,000 dollars to the school bailout effort. I would say points a, b, c and d are an Epic Fail.

What's your end goal Mr. Nelson? I sure don't trust your organization. The Grand Foundation has given a little more than $100 thousand per year back to the community over the last decade, but you're pushing for a tax increase that would drain nearly 30 times that amount annually. Would you like to let me know how that squares up? 

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