Grand County Uncensored Headline Animator

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Anonymous Donor Saves Grand County Schools...

... again in Moab, Utah! This headline could be in the SkyHi News:

"Waste Firm, Moab Unite for Schools"

"Hopkin concedes the mismanagement of the funds fractured the community, led to hard feelings and obvious finger pointing.

"There was the misperception the money was missing," but instead the wrong accounts were tapped to pay for the wrong things — such as teacher salaries, she said.

"There was a lot of anger, but I think we're getting past that," she said. "That is what is so amazing about tonight. I am feeling a lot of joy that I have not felt in quite awhile."

An anonymous donor stepped forward with a $700,000 contribution that will help see the district through June 30, and EnergySolutions rallied businesses across the state to deliver a check for $45,000 at Thursday's dinner."(Deseret News)

If you weren't already, you should now be convinced that public education in the United States is beyond repair and needs to be reset.

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