Grand County Uncensored Headline Animator

Monday, March 7, 2011

With 19 Available, Grand County's Job Market Booming

If the 2010 census numbers are to be believed, Grand County has 14,843 total residents. Of that total, over 11,800 are over the age of 18--working age!

If the latest unemployment number out of the Bureau of Lies and Scams (BLS) is to be believed, our national unemployment rate is *cough* 8.9 percent *cough*... That means, of 11,800 working age adults in the county, 1050 can't find gainful employment, even though they'd like to. If you believe there are only 1050 people in the county who can't find work, I've got some really nice Louisiana swampland I'd like to run by you.

Well, not one to despair over such odds, I took a quick look through the local job classifieds in the SkyHi News. Once you eliminate the work-at-home opportunity, the Denver truck driving job and the night desk position at the Aspen Times, there are a total of 19 advertised positions available in Grand County. With 55 people per job, employers will get a lot of work done if they divvy that $7.25 minimum wage correctly.

You know what? Why don't we remove $3,000,000 dollars from the local economy by raising sales taxes a penny! The stimulative effect of that move is sure to create plenty of service sector jobs in the county.

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