Grand County Uncensored Headline Animator

Sunday, March 20, 2011

E.-W. Grand School Boards Lament Uneducated Voters

Today, the SkyHi News had a precious article titled East and West Grand school boards seek ways to improve efficiencies

As is the norm for all school related meetings these days, the substance of the gathering was a discussion of the sales tax increase slated for the November ballot.

Both school districts are facing the same double blade of plummeting state and local revenues coupled with poor budgetary management. As usual, all of the blame lies with the state, who Superintendent Karas says is "assaulting" school finances. Not once have we seen a local government body or organization take responsibility for their own actions in this mess.

As an example, are you aware that the East Grand School District hired two high school counselors at the beginning of last December for a total projected cost of $127,000? Don't believe me? Here's the article:

Middle Park High welcomes two new counselors - 12/2/10

Check out the online district budget (Page 22) to verify the $127,000 figure.

Only one month later, the DAC recommended closing FVE and GLE in order to rescue the budget. That's only one example. There are many instances of this kind of irresponsible behavior throughout the East Grand budget.

Did you know our two school districts are already sharing efficiencies? For instance, they bid on paper together... Wow! Why combine school districts with that kind of Herculean effort already underway?

And the piece de resistance? The entire push of both districts is not to make real decisions about teacher salary and benefits; it's to 'educate' voters:

"East Grand Superintendent Nancy Karas said the challenge will be educating voters about the statewide assault on school financing, meanwhile changing a perception that district budgets are suffering merely from bad management. “They'll vote no just because they don't think we're fiscally responsible,” Karas said."(SHDN)

"They'll vote no just because they don't think we're fiscally responsible..." Bingo!


  1. I'd like to know more about the $20,000+ check Nancy Karas paid herself for years of missed vacation and sick days.

    I would like to know if she paid herself based on her wages at the time of missed vac/sick days or if she compensated herself at 2010 pay.

    Also, are you aware that even though Colorado lost $375 Million in educational funding, we put of $143 MILLION on English as a 2nd language in the 2009 school year?

    How do you feel about the $1.5 BILLION we spent on ILLEGAL and ANCHOR children in the form of ESL, free meals and after school/summer breaks?

  2. Hello Bev... I've heard rumors that the payout was taken very close to teacher layoffs. Other than that, I'm unaware of the details.

    As for ESL, your numbers seem to compare to what I've seen as well. It's a huge issue that must be taken up and remedied by the state. Local school districts are complicit in that they've gone along with the Colorado Department of Education for so long on this issue.

    It will be interesting to see what voters do this November, but I can prove mathematically that if you make an hourly wage in Grand County, it is NOT in your best interest to vote for a tax increase.

  3. ELL education is required by state and federal laws and policies. If the school district does not comply, they will lose even more money, and face close scrutiny from the state and feds. Not what is needed.

    You two know-it-alls talking about things you do not know all the facts on. Part of the problem in this county.

  4. @Anonymous... Here's what I say about ELL: " It's a huge issue that must be taken up and remedied by the state. Local school districts are complicit in that they've gone along with the Colorado Department of Education for so long on this issue."

    How, exactly, is that being a know-it-all?

  5. I appreciate all of the responses on this debate. I don't, however, understand how personal attacks (calling a person names such as "know-it-all") help bring us closer to finding solutions to our challenges?


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