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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Here Come The Tax Initiatives

In a very poor piece of reporting, the Associated Press said, "Colorado's largest school district plans to cut $40,000,000 in spending because of the State's budget crisis."

The story doesn't even mention that the largest school district is Jefferson County School District. What the story does say is that the state legislature is beginning to think the same way our local officials are thinking: tax increases!

According to a story on, the school district plans to let 212 people go in addition to an across the board pay reduction. They are also discussing reducing the school week by two days.

The same story on the SkyHi website has this to say from one of our state senators:

"Sen. Rollie Heath of Boulder has proposed asking voters to approve a tax increase instead. "(SHDN)

Not only are our local authorities going to be begging for school money this fall, but the state will be coming with their hat out as well. Sales taxes are some of the most punitive taxes you can levy on people with fixed and low incomes. They take an inordinate toll on those who can least afford to pay them, and it's the only solution these people can think of. It's just more of the same from people who no longer are fit to perform the duties of their offices.

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