Grand County Uncensored Headline Animator

Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Denver Post Chimes In

This time, with a story much like the Channel 7 piece:

Two Grand County Schools spared, for at least a year - by Mitchell Byars

Of course, the story was covered by the same Denver Post journalist who gave us this misleading headline:

Grand County parents raising $500,000 to save schools - by Mitchell Byars

Similar to last time, Mr. Byars chose to use only Ron Nelson of the Grand Foundation and Superintendent Nancy Karas as his sources. I did indeed put a few calls and e-mails in to Mr. Byars to address my concerns over these sources, and offer my own opinion. He did call me back, but never answered when I returned the call.

Indeed, I left a note, including this blog's address, on Channel 7's news vehicle before they aired their fluff piece on the schools, but have yet to receive a response from them.

The thing that concerns me is that neither the SkyHi News, Denver Post or Channel 7 wish to print or air any contrary viewpoints. The Sky Hi only prints contrary opinion regarding the schools in their Opinion section, which doesn't hold the same editorial weight.

Anyone willing to sit down with the school budget would quickly realize that the East Grand School District faces a total lack of budgetary prudence. Placing blame and causality outside of the district paralyzes decision-making, and slows down the process of what must be done in order to face a certain fall in revenue over the coming years.

My personal opinion is that the district's decision to accept money to keep the schools open will be the single worst mistake they've ever made. There are myriad opportunities for things to go from bad to worse over the course of the next year, and this decision ensures they're spread too thin right when they're most vulnerable.

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