Grand County Uncensored Headline Animator

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Is It Time To Move...

...To North Dakota?

"BISMARCK, N.D. — Backers of a constitutional amendment to abolish North Dakota property taxes believe they have enough petition signatures to put the idea on the ballot..."(The Republic)

This crappy economy is really starting to bring meaningful reform to our 50 states. Can you imagine if, after paying off your mortgage, you actually owned your home free and clear? Wouldn't it be crazy to own property the way our Forefathers intended? 

The article goes on to say:

"Property taxes on a person's home means he or she never owns it, even after its mortgage is paid, Nelson said. The annual property tax bill is due regardless of a person's income, while taxes on income and sales depend on the amount of money a person has to spend, she said.

The proposed property tax ban "goes to the core of the lot of the problems that people in this state are facing. Economics, low-paying jobs, seeing their young children move out to other states," Nelson said. "The public debate, I think, is going to be the most healthy thing that comes out of this."

Right now, even after you pay off your mortgage, the school district, county and towns actually still own your home. In South Dakota, as in Grand County, the school districts receive 41 percent of their funding from property taxes. 

Being beholden to local governmental bodies through property tax slavery makes their wasteful spending even that much more egregious. It's time to bring property tax reform to Colorado!

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